
OpenGovernance discovers resources on a schedule. The frequency schedule is customizable. In addition, you can also trigger discovery on one or more connection.

Enterprise Edition offers near real time-discovery on Public Cloud Providers

Discovery works

  1. Scheduling: Every 60 seconds, the Scheduler Service checks for jobs that need scheduling. It marks the jobs as "Queued" in PostgreSQL and notifies NATS.

  2. Job Distribution: NATS workers continuously poll NATS to determine which jobs need execution.

  3. Resource Management: KEDA monitors the NATS queue and scales Describer Workers accordingly. Each Describer Worker is specific to a resource type and account and uses encrypted credentials to operate.

  4. Data Handling: Describer Workers decrypt credentials, execute tasks, and log results to Elasticsearch.

  5. Data Summarization: The Summarizer processes data for each account every 24 hours, generating summarized metrics from the discovery workers.

Last updated