This guide details integrating AWS accounts with a CloudFormation stack and Azure subscriptions by creating a read-only Service Principal, enabling centralized management and visibility of your cloud resources.
Login to AWS CLI
Ensure the AWS CLI is installed and configured with administrative privileges.
Prepare AWS Accounts
If you prefer to perform these steps manually, click here.
Go to Integrations -> Azure -> Add Azure Subscriptions
Enter the following details in the wizard: Tenant ID, Application (Client) ID, Object ID, Client Secret
In the left menu, click API, which takes you to the Applications & API page on the Tokens tab. In the Personal access tokens section, click the Generate New Token button.
Scopes: Read Only grants the token read scope for all resources available based on the permissions of your team role.
CIn the upper-right corner of any page on GitHub, click your profile photo, then click Settings.
After selecting the above, click on "Generate Token"
Last updated
Select Generate new token, then click Generate new token (classic).
Give this the following permission: notifications, read:audit_log, read:discussion, read:enterprise, read:gpg_key, read:org, read:packages, read:project, read:public_key, read:repo_hook, read:ssh_signing_key, read:user, repo, user:email
Copy the Token and load in the OpenComply app
[If you have SSO turned on for Organization, you will need to explicitly authorize the token as in the image below]